SKU: ATR_019
A product from ATRIMED, Ferberry Syrup is a natural iron supplement which offers an optimal elemental iron (100 mg in every 10 ml) through its natural source. Ferberry Syrup contains Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), Phoenix dactylifera (Kharjura), Mandura, Vitis vinifera (Draksha), Red ochre (Gairika), and Embelia ribes (Vidanga).Unlike other traditional iron supplements Ferberry does not impart metallic taste. Ferberry is a very delicious syrup with an excellent flavor palatable & acceptable by one & all. Ferberry along with its natural iron, provides Vit B complex (improves hemobin) & Vit C (helps in iron absorption). FERBERRY does not cause gastric irritation & constipation, unlike other iron supplement.
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₹170.00 Regular Price
₹144.50Sale Price
Qty: 200ML